Friday, February 21, 2014

Special Club Programs for February and March 2014

We look forward to welcoming all our youth back to the Club after the February school break. 

Special programs continuing in February and March include:
  • On Wednesdays @5:15-6pm: "Karate with Loring." Mr. Loring Greene is an experienced practitioner and teacher of martial arts, and is also on the WMCC's Youth Committee. So far this weekly program has been a hit! Loring introduces kids to the techniques and discipline of this martial art, offering themthe opportunity to build fitness as well as focus. 
  • On Fridays @ 3:45-5pm: "Math Games with Brian." Mr. Brian Collins, Autonomy Engineer at the famous Draper Labs in Cambridge and current President of WMCC, brings energy and excitement to all things math-related. Recent afternoon activities have focused on solving Rubik's cubes and understanding the math behind their design. Riddles, number-centric puzzles and more are part of the fun.
Our TLC student Leaders have some great ideas for additional special activities which will be starting up in the next week or two. These include music discovery, oil painting, creative communication and public speaking, and intercultural awareness.

We also aim to organize opportunities for the youth to develop computer admin and web-design skills so that they might take on the development of a Club website. 

Deborah and Maria, Co-Directors

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Tufts Literacy Corps partners with MinM and WMCC!

We are very excited to announce additional staffing for our afternoon youth programs at the West Medford Community Center (WMCC). We have gained the support of a fabulous bunch of students from the Tufts Literacy Corps (TLC) who will be on hand to assist our Youth with homework as well as lead more focused activities.

Every afternoon, Monday through Friday, 2-3 student Leaders will be present as well as one or more adult volunteer Leaders.   We invite families to come along and meet our team, and encourage Medford youth to take advantage of this great resource! 

Deborah and Maria, Co-Directors